Published Data Registry

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TitleAuthorsJournalPublication year
Early fate decision for mitochondrially encoded proteins by a molecular triage(Open Access) Kohler A, Carlström A, (...), Ott MMolecular Cell2023
Developmental changes of the mitochondria in the murine anteroventral cochlear nucleus(Open Access) Hintze A, Lange F, (...), Wichmann CiScience2023
Age-dependent structural reorganization of utricular ribbon synapses(Open Access) Michanski S, Henneck T, (...), Wichmann CFrontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology2023
Correction to: Lost in promiscuity? An evolutionary and biochemical evaluation of HSD10 function in cardiolipin metabolism(Open Access) Wohlfarter Y, Eidelpes R, (...), Keller MACellular and Molecular Life Sciences2023
Cryo-EM for Structure Determination of Mitochondrial Ribosome SamplesHillen HSMethods in Molecular Biology2023
Mechanism of spindle pole organization and instability in human oocytesSo C, Menelaou K, (...), Schuh MScience2022
Ovarian carcinoma immunoreactive antigen-like protein 2 (OCIAD2) is a novel complex III specific assembly factor in mitochondria(Open Access) Chojnacka KJ, Elancheliyan P, (...), Chacińska AMolecular Biology of the Cell2022
Brevican, Neurocan, Tenascin-C and Tenascin-R Act as Important Regulators of the Interplay between Perineuronal Nets, Synaptic Integrity, Inhibitory Interneurons and Otx2(Open Access) Mueller-Buehl C, Reinhard J, Roll L, Bader V, Winklhofer KF, Faissner AbioRxiv2022
White matter integrity in mice requires continuous myelin synthesis at the inner tongue.(Open Access) Meschkat M, Steyer AM, (...), Möbius WNature Communications2022
Structural insights into crista junction formation by the Mic60-Mic19 complex(Open Access) Bock-Bierbaum T, Funck K, (...), Daumke ObioRxiv2022